We have noticed a trend that involves scammers taking the properties for sale in the Macomb area and listing them for rent on Craigslist. These homes are listed for rent with the rent amount being “too good to be true”. These rentals look completely legitiment because scammers take the complete listing information from one of the listing sites. The pictures, descriptions, and information is used to make this home look like a legitiment rental. This has happened to a woman in Peoria who ended up homeless after taking this scammer up on their offer. Please practice safety if you are planning to rent something. Do NOT send anyone money if you have not actually seen the home in person. ONLY hand money to someone in person and always after you have seen the place first. We have had a few of our own office listings posted to Craigslist that we have since had removed from their site. If you are ever in question about one of our properties, please contact us. We also have a rental management division to our office and would be more than willing to help you find a rental.